easily meet the demands of the body during intense weight training.
When eating a vegetarian diet, no meat or fish is consumed, however dairy and egg products are included and are excellent sources of protein. A meatless diet is a healthier way of eating since there is less saturated fat in plant-based proteins.
During the process of bodybuilding, it’s important to have a diet plan that includes the number of grams of protein that will be necessary to consume in order to develop more lean muscle mass.
A general rule of thumb for people who are planning on training “hard and heavy” is .5 to 1 gram of protein per pound of body weight. This can be a lot of protein for someone who is 230 lbs. but if most of it is consumed from soy and legumes the large quantity should not be dangerous to the kidneys and liver.
Protein must be eaten throughout the day in small meals, approximately every 3 to 3 ½ hours. This will keep blood sugar levels stable and provide a constant supply of energy to the muscles as they grow new tissue. Planning meals in advance is a good way to calculate food requirements when bodybuilding. When meats are not included high protein sources must be eaten in every meal, along with the right ratio of carbohydrates and fats. By knowing the amount of protein needed in non–meat protein sources that would equal the amount in a serving of meat, a sufficient diet can be made.
*Here is an example of a high protein meatless menu for a day while bodybuilding:
Breakfast – One cup of cooked oatmeal, along with a 3 egg white -1 yolk omelet (any vegetables can be added) 2 slices of whole wheat toast topped with 2 tablespoon of peanut butter and 1 cup of plain kefir or soy milk blended with ¼ cup of fresh or frozen blueberries. (About 35 grams of protein) This meal can be eaten right after a morning training session, with 16 ounces of water.
Morning Snack- 1 apple or pear, 2 ounces of low fat cheese, 1 cup of low fat soy milk
(About 15 grams of protein) Have this snack a few hours after breakfast to keep metabolism high.
Lunch- 3 ounces of firm tofu, prepared in a stir-fry with ½ cup of cooked brown rice, ½ cup of fresh spinach and ¼ cup canned, drained black beans. Cook all of these together in a pan with 1Tbs. olive oil. Have a glass of unsweetened green tea. (About 30 grams of protein) .
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